Trump vs. Biden: The media’s treatment of each campaign differs noticeably

Trump vs Biden

The candidacy of Joe Biden is seriously faltering. At least not in the Republican primary, is Donald Trump.The candidacy of Joe Biden is seriously faltering. At least not in the Republican primary, is Donald Trump.Though he turns 81 next week, you may think that the incumbent president has an advantage because of his legislative accomplishments, but that argument isn’t holding up.Trump vs Biden

Trump vs Biden News

One may assume that the former president’s campaign is faltering since he is the one facing four criminal indictments and a civil fraud prosecution. Any other politician would be out of business with just one indictment.

However, Trump has benefited from the barrage of accusations, which has raised his profile among people who think the deep state is persecuting him.

For whatever reason, Biden isn’t receiving credit for advancing legislation on issues ranging from climate change to infrastructure (although local headlines highlight the announcement of awards).

Although October’s 3.7 percent increase in inflation was exceeded by the monthly rate of 3.2 percent revealed yesterday, inflation is still a significant public worry.

In the federal lawsuit concerning Jan. 6 and the state attorney general’s civil fraud prosecution in New York, Trump, 77, has been pushing the boundaries of gag orders.


Some in the media are advising the president on how to turn around his flagging campaign amid the hysteria that followed polls showing Trump ahead of Biden in crucial swing states.

Biden, according to Politico columnist Jonathan Martin, is “in peril, ” and while it may be therapeutic for him to downplay his struggles and gripe about negative media attention, it won’t increase the likelihood that he will defeat Trump again.Biden, who became the oldest president in history when he assumed office, will not be able to run for office and govern like other occupants. He is just incapable of accomplishing it.”

One of Martin’s recommendations is to bring Rahm Emanuel back from his job in Tokyo to oversee the campaign and entice Ron Klain to return.

Convince Liz Cheney and Joe Manchin not to launch a third-party bid. Go after Republicans with greater vigor. Assign the war to Bill and Hillary Clinton, who should be sent as special envoys to the Middle East.

The piece adds that “Calling David Axelrod ‘a prick,’ as somebody who has seen Biden use the word said he does in private, is not an approach for gaining 270 electoral votes.”

This comes after David Axelrod, the leader’s former Obama colleague, recommended he might consider leaving the race.

The Democrats needed to hear this counsel more than anything: “Heave ‘Bidenomics’ into the dumpster.” It is foolish to try to convince voters of what they do not believe. It almost seems masochistic to associate your name with that tactic.”


At least for the time being, I disagree that Biden should invest a lot of political capital in disparaging Trump. The bulk of the work is already being done by the media.

A number of stories in the Washington Post and New York Times have warned of all the horrible things that Trump might do, like using the Insurrection Act to suppress domestic dissent, ever since it became apparent to the mainstream media that he could very possibly win a second term.

Although Trump’s two senior campaign advisers have called such “speculation,” the reports state that the 45th president has been talking to others about these ideas and hasn’t made any judgments yet.

In addition, the Trump team made former official and current adviser Stephen Miller available for on-the-record details in a lengthy Times report about his planned crackdown on illegal immigration, which included the deportation of millions of people.

Simultaneously, Trump outlines his specific plans, telling Univision that he will undoubtedly seek the indictment of his political adversaries in light of what has been done to him.

Additionally, Trump offers his base big portions of red meat. This Saturday,

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